La Fondation Olympique pour la Culture et le Patrimoine | |||||
Fonction | : | Gestionnaire de l�information | Mission ? Assure le bon fonctionnement des t�ches documentaires de la section patrimoine Images & Sons (photos) o Recherches d�images o Indexation o Support au Webmaster M�diath�que olympique Chaque employ� est responsable du bon fonctionnement de son d�partement/unit�/section et de la mise � jour de ses comp�tences dans le cadre de la politique de formation du CIO. Par ailleurs, des responsabilit�s d�une autre nature que celles requises par la fonction peuvent �tre impos�es � chacun en fonction de circonstances particuli�res. | ||
Statut | : | Collaborateur | |||
Taux d�occupation | : | 80% |
Principales responsabilit�s
Acquisitions et catalogage
? R�ception, contr�le et conditionnement des nouvelles acquisitions.
? S�lection pour num�risation.
?Transmission du mat�riel � la personne responsable de la conservation / restauration.
? Mise � jour des tableaux de bord.
?Traitement documentaire des �v�nements du MO, CIO, CNO et SO.
?Recherches de photographies pour clients internes/externes dans la base documentaire.
Administration des sites intranet et extranet de la M�diath�que olympique (TOML) :
Remplacement du webmaster durant son absence :
? Administre les comptes d�acc�s au site et g�re la base de donn�es des utilisateurs en fonction des r�gles d�approbation fournies par les d�partements du CIO.
? Pr�pare et publie les dossiers th�matiques dits � Th�mes CIO � en fonction de l�actualit� et des �v�nements du CIO.
Formation, comp�tences linguistiques et informatiques
?Sp�cialiste HES en information et documentation ou formation �quivalente.
?Connaissances de la typologie des supports photographiques.
?Connaissances du Mouvement olympique et du CIO.
? Langues : fran�ais (langue maternelle) et anglais (niveau avanc�).
? Parfaite ma�trise des logiciels informatiques MS et outils de gestion.
? Aisance dans la gestion du travail en �quipe, tant dans la mani�re de g�rer le flux des dossiers que dans la fa�on de communiquer avec ses coll�gues.
?Savoir-faire et savoir-vivre reconnus et appr�ci�s dans les contacts avec les clients.
Comp�tences techniques, organisationnelles et personnelles
? Autonomie et sens de l�organisation et des priorit�s, avec ma�trise de l�impr�vu et flexibilit�.
? Rapidit�, pr�cision et fiabilit� dans l�ex�cution.
? Facilit� et clart� d�expression orale et �crite (dans les deux langues officielles du CIO).
?Connaissances des techniques et technologies li�es � la photographie.
? Connaissance des TIC (Technologies de l�Information et de la Communication).
?Initiative, anticipation, force de proposition.
?Excellente ma�trise des outils institutionnels et suivi des r�gles d'utilisation internes (Livelink, Outlook, etc.)
Comportement et attitude
? Respect des valeurs olympiques et des r�gles internes de bonne conduite ainsi que de toutes les directives et proc�dures en place (s�curit� de l'information, Code d��thique, etc.).
?Collaboration et transfert des connaissances.
?Enthousiasme, grande capacit� d'adaptation, r�activit� et efficacit�.
? Attitude positive, ouverture d�esprit.
?Diplomatie et flexibilit�.
? Capacit� � garder un haut niveau de performance professionnelle dans une situation de tension �lev�e.
? Souci du travail bien fait et discr�tion associ�s � une solide �thique professionnelle.
Photo Archivist Intern | |
Location : | New York, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA |
Application Deadline : | 01-Mar-16 |
Type of Contract : | Internship |
Post Level : | Intern |
Languages Required : | English |
Duration of Initial Contract : | 3 months |
Expected Duration of Assignment : | 3 months |
Background | |
Background The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the UN�s global development network, advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. We are on the ground in 177 countries, working with them on their own solutions to global and national development challenges. At UNDP, external and internal communication�nationally, regionally and globally�is critical to achieving both development results and business objectives. Skillful communication broadens the impacts of new policies, helps governance reforms take root, and attracts and fosters strong partnerships. The Office of Communications at UNDP is at the forefront of advancing online communications and outreach within the organization and is seeking a graduate student with an interest in developing institutional archives with a focus on processing, cataloging, and curating the physical and digital photographic assets of UNDP. | |
Duties and Responsibilities | |
The interested candidate will:
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Competencies | |
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Required Skills and Experience | |
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Click here for important information for US Permanent Residents ('Green Card' holders). | |
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence. |
Photo Archivist Intern | |
Location : | New York, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA |
Application Deadline : | 16-Sep-15 |
Additional Category | Management |
Type of Contract : | Internship |
Post Level : | Intern |
Languages Required : | English |
Starting Date : (date when the selected candidate is expected to start) | 21-Sep-2015 |
Duration of Initial Contract : | 2 months |
Expected Duration of Assignment : | 2 months |
Background | |
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the UN�s global development network, advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. We are on the ground in 177 countries, working with them on their own solutions to global and national development challenges. At UNDP, external and internal communication�nationally, regionally and globally�is critical to achieving both development results and business objectives. Skillful communication broadens the impacts of new policies, helps governance reforms take root, and attracts and fosters strong partnerships. The Office of Communications at UNDP is at the forefront of advancing online communications and outreach within the organization and is seeking a graduate student with an interest in developing institutional archives with a focus on processing, cataloging, and curating the physical and digital photographic assets of UNDP. | |
Duties and Responsibilities | |
The interested candidate will:
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Competencies | |
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Required Skills and Experience | |
The successful candidate will be required to:
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Click here for important information for US Permanent Residents ('Green Card' holders). | |
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence. |