Archives Intern (2 positions)
07-12-2015 | 17-01-2016 |
N/A | |
3 months each position | 02 May, 2016 - 29 July, 2016 |
Internship | |
IFRC00787 | |
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is the world's largest humanitarian organization, with 190 member National Societies. As part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, our work is guided by seven fundamental principles; humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity and universality.
Archives contribute to the organization in three main ways. They foster and facilitate: 1. Organizational Memory: as evidence of past actions, the archives can help to avoid duplication of effort by acting as sources of information on key issues or problems that the Federation faces again and again. 2. Historical Research: the archives are everyday business records that have been preserved, so they can give a researcher a closer look at the way the Federation operated in the past than any other source. 3. Accountability: the archives can be checked to ensure that the activities and responsibilities that have been entrusted to the Federation have been carried out as effectively as possible.
The Federation is looking to hire an archival studies student for 13 weeks to work on an archival arrangement and description project. The project will be suitable for a student going into the second year of archives studies. The student must be able to read French, as some of the records are only in French. The student will have to work fairly independently, and often with limited supervision.
- Appraise (in consultation with supervisor) records in storage to determine which should be transferred to the Archives. - Arrange and describe the records, and enter the descriptions into a database. - Assess the physical condition of the records and identify those requiring conservation treatment. - Re-box and re-file the records.
Completion of first year of archival studies.
Must be able to read French. Ability to speak French is useful but is not essential.
Competencies: Communication; Collaboration and Teamwork; Judgement and Decision Making; Creativity and Innovation; Values: Respect for Diversity; Integrity; Professionalism; Accountability
Applicants may be requested to complete written exercises and/or be interviewed. The basic internship is intended for young people pursuing university level education to gain work experience in the area of their education. The basic intern must meet the following criteria: - Be currently-enrolled in a university or equivalent level, or have graduated recently (normally within 1 year from the date of hiring) in an area that is compatible with the IFRC activities. A minimum requirement is an endorsement letter attesting to the fact that the intern is currently a registered student and will continue to be enrolled for the envisaged period of the internship. Remuneration: - A daily allowance is paid to interns for each day worked at the IFRC at the end of each months (75CHF per day worked). - Costs and arrangements for travel, accommodation, visas, insurance and living expenses are the sole responsibility of interns themselves.
The Federation is an equal opportunity employer.
The Corporate Procurement Division (CGSP.2) is entrusted with the strategic, operation and oversight responsibilities for the execution of corporate procurements within the Bank. Under the auspices of the General Services and Procurement Department (CGSP), CGSP.2 is responsible for the formulation, application of the formulation, application and evaluation of procedures and practices covering purchasing and contracting for goods, works and services for the Bank�s internal operations financed under the Bank�s Administration and Capital Expenditure Budgets.This position is to develop and maintain systems and procedures for the filing and management of files and records (both physical and electronic) generated in the Corporate Procurement Division, permit easy and timely retrieval and ensure consistency of master data.
Duties and responsibilities
Under the direct supervision of the Division Manager and the IT Procurement Systems Officer, the incumbent is expected to perform the following duties:- Maintain physical and electronic records of procurement activities in compliance with the policy requirement for audit trails.
- Record and file various memos, evaluation forms and results.
- Assist in the development and the maintenance of knowledge and record systems (e.g. DARMS, share point, etc.) and procedures for the filing and management of procurement documentation in full compliance with the Bank�s Policy on Disclosure of Information. Ensure that the system is user-friendly and enables easy research and accessibility to documents from everywhere for smooth procurement operations.
- Assist with timely access to comprehensive procurement records during audit queries.
- Assist in the development and the maintenance of vendor management database.
- Assist in the development and the maintenance of SRM e-Procurement application to facilitate �paperless� procurement processes.
- Assist with the materials data management (MDM) by providing the quality insurance control for the maintenance of the master data.
- Perform periodic reconciliation of the data recorded in the system.
- Creation of analytical models using applications or spreadsheets.
- Compile and maintain statistical records to meet the reporting requirements of corporate procurement activities.
- Participate in projects of the division related to improving the quality of data or improvement and automation of periodic reports.
- Assist, as appropriate, to carry out various activities of client management.
Selection Criteria
Including desirable skills, knowledge and experience
- A minimum of a Bachelor�s Degree or its equivalent in Documentation, Archiving, IT document management systems or related discipline.
- A minimum of five (5) years of progressively relevant and practical experience with some practical knowledge of the environment in the international organizations.
- Strong customer service and interpersonal skills, good organizational and planning skills, ability to multitask, attention to detail and ability to work with a diverse workforce.
- Sound knowledge of archival principles, practices and ethics of archival profession.
- Demonstrate strong technical competencies related to provision of records management programs and services (incl. capturing, organizing, describing, providing access to, storing, protecting, and disposing records) for both physical and electronic archives.
- Solid analytical competencies and excellent use of Bank standard software (Word, Excel, ECM DARMS, SAP).
- Strong knowledge in data entry.
- Excellent sense of initiative, confidentiality, enthusiasm, team spirit.
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and/or French, with a working knowledge of the other language.
Information Management Specialist (Records Management)
Reference: 2015-278-EXT
Closing Date for Applications: Thu, 17 Dec 2015
Functional area: Secretariat
Function:The Information Management Services Division (IMS) of the European Central Bank�s Directorate General Secretariat is seeking an Information Management Specialist (Records Management) for its Information Management Policy & Records Management Team (IMP). In particular, the IMS Division is responsible for:
The Information Management Specialist (Records Management) will be responsible for ensuring that the current information held by the ECB is managed effectively, efficiently and consistently across the Bank in accordance with the ECB�s information management policies and guidance as well as the relevant international standards (including the International Standard for Records Management (ISO 15489)).
The successful applicant will be entrusted with the following main tasks:
- developing, maintaining and guiding the implementation of information management policies and procedures and providing records management services, including in the area of data protection;
- managing the ECB�s physical and electronic archives and ensuring the disclosure of archived information when required, as well as the disposal of information, in accordance with the ECB�s information retention policy;
- managing the ECB library and providing staff with print and electronic publications and information services;
- supporting the further development of enterprise content management and coordinating the selection of systems and tools for archives and library and for collaboration, document and records management;
- providing related functional training, maintenance and support for the ECB, the Eurosystem, the European System of Central Banks (ESCB), the European Systemic Risk Board and the Single Supervisory Mechanism.
The Information Management Specialist (Records Management) will be responsible for ensuring that the current information held by the ECB is managed effectively, efficiently and consistently across the Bank in accordance with the ECB�s information management policies and guidance as well as the relevant international standards (including the International Standard for Records Management (ISO 15489)).
The successful applicant will be entrusted with the following main tasks:
- providing advice, guidance and support on all matters relating to the management of documents and records by actively liaising with staff and management in assigned business areas;
- drafting and disseminating written guidance on document and records management topics;
- implementing the ECB�s filing and retention plan, including the mapping of folders to the ECB�s filing plan;
- reviewing, advising on and updating folder structures, metadata configurations and business area document and records management procedures;
- conducting monitoring activities, as well as reporting on compliance with the ECB�s information management policies, procedures and guidance;
- identifying information series in the business areas for which they are responsible and providing advice and guidance on their effective management;
- facilitating the controlled move of physical records to the custody of the ECB�s Archives;
- contributing to information management projects and initiatives;
- acting as Data Protection Coordinator and keeping abreast of data protection developments;
- sharing best practices and helping to achieve consistency across the IMP team.
Qualifications and experience:Applicants must have the following knowledge and competencies:
- a bachelor�s degree or equivalent, or higher, university qualification in records, archives or library management (or a very closely related discipline), or at least six years of relevant professional experience combined with professional training in records, archives or library management;
- at least three years recent full-time equivalent professional experience, in the field of archives, records or library management;
- knowledge of records management principles and practices;
- knowledge and experience of electronic document management system(s), ideally Open Text �Content Server�;
- awareness of and interest in the role and functioning of the ECB would be an asset.
- an advanced command of English;
- a good knowledge of at least one other official language of the EU;
- a working knowledge of MS Office, in particular Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
Competencies:The successful candidate will have the following behavioural competencies:
- analytical skills � an ability to analyse the information aspects within business processes;
- communication skills (oral and written) � communicating effectively to people with a variety of backgrounds and at different professional levels thereby ensuring clear and common understanding;
- customer handling skills� providing timely and high quality services to (predominantly internal) customers in order to help promote good information management at the ECB;
- team-working skills �Working co-operatively with others in the Division and the Team to achieve common goals by adopting an open attitude and sharing ideas in order to facilitate good information management at the ECB;
- adaptability - ability to adapt to different situations and responsibilities, new concepts, teams and working methods and ability to modify own patterns of behaviour;
- seeks opportunities for improvement, taking action where appropriate and initiating new and better ways of doing things;
- achieves objectives in line with agreed standards and deadlines, tracks progress and manages workload independently, whilst keeping the line manager fully informed and involving others by raising, or escalating, issues when appropriate;
- handles sensitive information in a discreet manner, thereby respecting confidentiality rules.
Further Information:Fixed-term contract of 12 months, which may be extended subject to organisational needs and individual performance.
To further enhance the diversity of its workforce, the ECB particularly encourages applications from male candidates.
To further enhance the diversity of its workforce, the ECB particularly encourages applications from male candidates.
The selection committee may place suitable candidates on a reserve list, from which candidates may be appointed to similar positions in the same or another business area. It may also be decided to fill the position(s) advertised in this vacancy notice with a suitable candidate or candidates from the reserve list resulting from a recruitment procedure for a similar position. Candidates will be informed accordingly if this happens.
How to apply:Applications are to be made in English and submitted using our online application form. An "Applicants' Guide" can be downloaded from our recruitment pages.
The recruitment process may include a pre-screening exercise, a written exercise, a presentation and interviews.
Further information on the ECB's conditions of employment for fixed-term positions can be found at
Applications are accepted from nationals of Member States of the European Union.
The requirements laid down in the vacancy notice must be met by the closing date for applications.
This vacancy notice may be used to fill the same position again, or similar positions, within 12 months of the selection decision.
The recruitment process may include a pre-screening exercise, a written exercise, a presentation and interviews.
Further information on the ECB's conditions of employment for fixed-term positions can be found at
Applications are accepted from nationals of Member States of the European Union.
The requirements laid down in the vacancy notice must be met by the closing date for applications.
This vacancy notice may be used to fill the same position again, or similar positions, within 12 months of the selection decision.
This position has been allocated to salary band: E/F
L'unit� biblioth�que et archives publiques du Comit� International de la Croix Rouge � Gen�ve (CICR) recherche un-e stagiaire pour ses archives film�es.
Nous recherchons des personnes ayant un fort int�r�t pour les archives et la documentation et/ou d�sirant poursuivre une carri�re dans ce domaine et poss�dant un titre universitaire ou HES. Un int�r�t pour les questions touchant � l'humanitaire est essentiel.Activit�s li�es :
- Catalogage dans le logiciel documentaire ADLIB (r�dactions en fran�ais et en anglais / indexation, selon les r�gles de catalogages sp�cifiques)
- Recherches en r�ponse � des demandes internes ou externes.
- Soutien des utilisateurs du logiciel dans leurs recherches.
- Participation aux r�unions des archives audiovisuelles et de l'unit� biblioth�que et archives publiques.
T�ches sp�cifiques :
- Effectuer une recherche dans le fonds et r�daction d'une note de synth�se.
Comp�tences requises :
- Int�r�t pour la gestion d'un fonds audiovisuel num�ris�
- Ma�trise de l'anglais et du fran�ais
- Aisance avec les outils bureautiques et l'apprentissage de nouveau logiciel documentaire.
- Esprit d'�quipe, flexibilit�, curiosit�, autonomie, rigueur et pr�cision
- Bon sens de l'organisation et des priorit�s.
- Sens du service
Conditions :
- Stage r�mun�r� � plein temps (100%), le pourcentage est non n�gociable
- Dur�e du stage: 11 mois
- D�but du stage: 18 janvier 2016
- D�lai de postulation: 9 d�cembre 2015
Les candidat-e-s int�ress�-e-s et remplissant les crit�res ci-dessus peuvent envoyer leur dossier (CV et lettre de motivation) � l'adresse e-mail jusqu'au 09.12.2015.(Sujet: Stage Archives film�es). Contact stage archives film�es : Mme Marina Meier
Merci de noter que le stage d�roulera � Gen�ve et qu'aucune participation au logement n'est donn�e. Seuls les candidats retenus pour des entretiens seront contact�s, avant la fin de l'ann�e. Merci de noter que le CICR n'est pas en mesure de couvrir les frais de voyage ou de logement. Cependant, les entretiens peuvent se faire par t�l�phone ou par Skype.
Associate Archivist (Records Management)
Position Title: Associate Archivist (Records Management)
Organisation: UNHCR (administered by UNOPS)
Contract Type/Level: UNOPS International � Equivalent of P2 Level
Section/Unit: Records and Archives Section (Records Management)
Duty Station: Geneva, Switzerland
Duration: 01/01/2016- 31/12/2016
Closing Date: 23/11/2015
Background Information:
In order to address the risks related to unmanaged digital records and to be prepared to address the question of
medium-term and long-term preservation of relevant digital assets, Records and Archives Section (RAS) leadsthe implementation of a Global Records Management program based on the e-SAFE platform, the UNHCR
document and electronic records management system.
The incumbent is managing the follow-up and maintenance of e-SAFE in HQ, which is ensuring that the
organization's records are managed through their life cycle in accordance with international standards and
regulations as a foundation for the governance and accountability of the organization. The incumbent is also
participating in the management of e-SAFE related projects.
Duties are conducted within the general direction of the Senior Archivist (Records Management). The incumbent
works in close coordination with the Associate Archivist Field in Copenhagen, and DIST.
Organizational context:
Records and Archives Section sits within the Division of External Relations (DER).
Duties and Responsibilities:
Under the supervision of the Senior Archivist, the incumbent should ensure that UNHCR has a records
management program for HQ in place that captures, protects and provides access to authorised staff and
stakeholders to authentic records, and ensures that in the future UNHCR and its HQ task force will have access
to all relevant institutional memory.
The contractor responsabilitiy includes:
? Develop and update records and archives management guidance material such as guidelines,
instructions and procedures;
? Implementation of records and archives management guidance material;
? Conduct classroom training;
? Assist units and offices to organize, manage and share information and coordinate HQ requirements for
compliance in the Field;
? Analyze business needs, provide advice, define, implement and update file plans and unit profiles
including retention for the offices;
? Implement and sustain e-SAFE;
? Ensure correct access/permissions and governance;
? Supervise the maintenance of workspaces and access groups;
? Coordinate network of Focal Points in HQ and facilitate workshops;
? Participate in Field missions;
? Participate in the management of e-SAFE related projects with DIST and external parties.
Essential Minimum Qualifications and Professional Experience Required:
Advanced university degree in records and archival management; or in history or related discipline with
concentration in records and archival management; or in information management, history or related disciplines
with additional training as provided by universities and/or professional archival associations
Work Experience
At least 4 years of experience in progressively responsible functions in relation to records management in a
large organisation that deals with both sensitive and non sensitive materials. Of the 4 years, minimum 2 years of
experience should be in an international environment in the same functional area directly relevant to the current
Experience with Enterprise Content Management systems with Records Management capacity
? Fluency in English (required).
? Fluency in French or another UN language (desirable).
Required Competencies:
? Judgement and Decision Making
? Analytical Thinking
? Technological Awareness
? Planning and Organizing
? Change Capability and Adaptability
? Knowledge and exposure to UNHCR Mandate, its principles and policies towards refugees and the
persons of concern to UNHCR (desirable).
The selected candidate will report to the Senior Archivist (Records Management).
Interested applicants should submit their letter of motivation and Personal History Form (P11), including
testimonials/degrees/certificates to indicating �Associate Archivist (UNOPS)� in the
subject of the email.
P11 forms are available on
Closing date for receipt of applications: Tuesday, 23 November 2015
Associate Archivist (Records Management) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Staff Assistant (Records)/ Records Assistant - Legal Department (
(Job Number:
The Legal Department (LEG) is looking for a contractual Staff Assistant (Records)/ Records Assistant to provide a full range of administrative and records management assistance to staff and supporting various projects in the department. The Records Assistant works under the supervision of the Records Officer of the Legal Department:
The successful candidate's duties may include, but will not be limited to:
- Provide research and reference services to LEG staff seeking information and documents contained in the Legal Records. This involves performing timely searches of the records holdings by using departmental databases, Fund-wide electronic repositories, and other resources as appropriate.
- Effect prompt incorporation into the LEG records database, citations, keywords (subject terms), abstracted titles, and departmental routing information for all hard copy or electronic documents directed to Legal Records for archival storage.
- Maintain the Legal Records holdings (paper and electronic) in accordance with established guidelines, including consulting with the Records Officer on which incoming documents are to be retained, ensuring timely and appropriate filing of retained documents into various records collections, and securing the information in Legal Records from unauthorized use.
- Assign physical file categories to retained documents.
- Assist the Legal Records Officer in implementing the established procedures for the digitization of archival material.
- Provide assistance on initiatives to simplify and streamline document processing procedures, refining classification schemes, and adjusting retention schedules for proper life-cycle management of departmental files.
The successful candidate is expected to possess educational qualifications that would typically include a university degree in a related field of study, supplemented by a minimum of one year of work experience in records management, documents management, and/ or archives management.
In addition, the candidate should have:
- Proven ability to work under pressure and meet short deadlines associated with the provision of reference services.
- Excellent computer skills, including experience in working with records management and/or documents management software.
- Ability to organize own work and work with minimum supervision while also working cooperatively as part of a team.
- Excellent attention to details and excellent organizational and communication skills.
Knowledge of Spanish and/or French would be helpful.
- Proven ability to work under pressure and meet short deadlines associated with the provision of reference services.
- Excellent computer skills, including experience in working with records management and/or documents management software.
- Ability to organize own work and work with minimum supervision while also working cooperatively as part of a team.
- Excellent attention to details and excellent organizational and communication skills.
Knowledge of Spanish and/or French would be helpful.
Please note you must reside in the Washington Metro area to be considered for this position.
The IMF is committed to achieving a diverse staff, including gender, nationality, culture and educational background.